Veterinary Services for Cattle

What makes our farmers happy?

Healthy animals and a good hayin’ season. Here at Columbia Valley Veterinary Clinic, we are dedicated to providing affordable and progressive veterinary care. Whether you are a 500 head cow-calf operation or have a couple of cows on your hobby farm, we are here to help.

  • Herd health and individual animal medicine

  • Vaccine and treatment protocol development

  • Pregnancy diagnosis: ultrasound and palpation technique

  • Bull breeding soundness evaluation

  • European Union Export Certification

  • Annual Producers Meeting

  • Surgical services such as caesareans, castrations, enucleations, prolapse repairs, and wound repairs

  • Calf care services such as fractured legs, scours workup and treatment, umbilical infections, pneumonia

  • Wellness Plans

Shopping for bovine products?

Our online store stocks over 300 bovine products including everything from ID tags to calf pullers, vaccine guns and supplements.