How to Bandage Wrap a Dog’s Foot

Different reasons for bandaging include:

  • A detached toenail

  • Burnt or scraped paw pad

  • Puncture wounds

  • Infections

  • Licking Prevention

Supplies Needed:

  • Non-stick gauze pads or telfa pads

  • Rolled gauze bandages

  • Adhesive bandages (such as vet wrap 4 inch)

  • Adhesive tape ( such as lightplast)

  • Clean cloths

  • Warm water

  • Gentle soaps (such as chlorhexidine, or a betadine wash)

  • Antibiotic ointment

  • Nail clippers

Cleaning the Wound:

  • Gently begin cleaning the wound with a damp, warm cloth or gauze pads.

  • Use the chlorhexidine or betadine wash to make sure you are getting any debris out. (make sure to dilute this with the proper ratio that is on the bottle).

  • Make sure to dry the foot well before bandaging as any trapped moisture may lead to more infections and irritations.

Applying the gauze pads:

  • If there is an open wound you will want to place your telfa pad on (keeping the plastic/shiny side of it towards the wound) first to make sure nothing sticks to it as it heals. Be sure to cover the entire wound with the telfa.

  • If you are using an ointment, apply this underneath the telfa pad. This will help to keep it from sticking, along with providing some microcrobrial protection.

Securing the gauze pads:

  • Using the rolled gauze, gently wrap around and over the telfa pads, overlapping each layer by at least half the width of the wrap. This will become the first layer.

  • Repeat this for a second time, starting at the dogs toes and working up their leg just past the wound. If there is swelling, continue up the entire leg.

  • Do not completely cover the tips of the toes, unless the nails have been trimmed as you may cause pressure sores.

  • Having two layers helps to keep the first telfa and gauze wraps in place, while alsohelping to reduce swelling.

Applying the Adhesive bandaging material:

  • Using the vet wrap, wrap your dog's foot starting at the toes, and going up to the point of the rolled gauze. Make sure to overlap this by at least half its width again.

  • Make sure not to wrap too tight as you do not want to cut off their circulation.

  • Secure the bandages using the adhesive tape (lightplast). Put one strip along the top of the wrap to hold it up, with another at the bottom of their foot for traction.

Tips for keeping the bandage on:

  • Have your dog wear a cone to keep them from chewing the bandages.

  • Put a waterproof bootie on when your dog goes outside to keep the bandage from getting wet.

  • If you leave the tips of your dog’s toes out, keep a close eye on them for any swelling.

  • Make sure you can fit two fingers in the wrap at all times for tightness.

  • Change the bandage regularly (every day or two).

Purely pets. “A Comprehensive Guide on How to Properly Wrap a Dog’s Paw.”, Purely Pets, 2024, Accessed 30 Oct. 2024.


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