How to Remove a Tick
Tweezers or a tick removal tool
Rubbing alcohol
A ziploc bag
Rubber gloves
Disinfectant or an antibiotic cream, you can get this from your vet.
Put on a pair of rubber gloves.
If using tweezers, grab the tick as closely to your dog's skin as possible.
If using the tick removal tool, gently press the remover against your dog's skin near the tick. Slide the notch of the remover underneath the tick.
Slowly but steadily, pull the tick out of your dog's skin, making sure that you do not lose its head throughout this.
Do not twist or crunch the tick as you may lose its head inside your dog's skin.
After Care
Drop the tick into a ziploc bag with rubbing alcohol in it, leave it in the alcohol for 24 hours to kill it.
Wash your hands.
Note the location and date you found the tick.
Apply disinfectant or antibiotic cream to the tick bite.
Clean your tweezers or tick removal tool with rubbing alcohol.
Submission of tick
Consider submitting the tick for identification through eTick.
Symptoms of tick-borne illnesses
Joint pain
Weight loss
Decreased appetite or thirst
Inflammation on or around the bite
Neurological issues
If your dog starts to show symptoms of a tick-borne illness or if you lose a piece of the tick inside your dog’s skin, contact your vet immediately.